Well, first of all I’m a nobody so I’m not in danger of influencing anyone.
And I never said (or meant) I liked vagina and hoped to get with more trans men. I said the sex went well considering it was my first time (it’s a gift, what can I say

). In fact, although I found my friend very sweet I realize I’m not in any rush to have sex with him again. We’ve met several times since for just coffee and nothing else.
True, I do still consider myself gay but no longer a gold star gay. I experimented but I know who I am.
I will say that my goal in befriending a few trans men was to humanize them for myself. I found (because of the internet) I was learning to demonize trans men as just women who were trying to turn gay men straight. I no longer believe that. They’re just people trying to be themselves. Interesting, likable and sweet. Perhaps I was lucky with the trans friends I made but I think it’s safe to say they’re a good representation of most trans men.
It’s curious, the sex didn’t feel homosexual BUT I wouldn’t say it was heterosexual either. I mean the genitalia was definitely the opposite of mine, but he seemed very much like a guy. And not just a guy, a gay guy. I don’t know, like I said I’m just a nobody so I don’t know how much my experience matters to anyone else.