ULTIMATE GUIDE to PROVENCE 🇫🇷 Uncovering the Best Villages & Towns in The South of France

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025

Комментарии • 165

  • @LaChicaconSuerte-1111
    @LaChicaconSuerte-1111 Год назад +4

    What a lovely video and you have a really calming voice!

  • @aloisenel3016
    @aloisenel3016 Год назад +3

    I visited Lourmarin this weekend that just past as you recommended it in a previous video. I absolutely loved it! Will definitely be visiting some of these other places as well! Thanks Sam!

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад +1

      Oh, I’m so glad you enjoyed it Aloise! I go there often because I love it so much, I hope you enjoy the other places as well 🤍 Have a lovely day!

  • @Bonnieuxful
    @Bonnieuxful Год назад +2

    Thank you Sam❣️ I have enjoyed Bonnieux, St.Remy, and Les Baux, and Eygalieres❣️🥰💕

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  11 месяцев назад

      I haven’t been to Eygalieres, I’ll have to visit one day.

  • @paulfournierphoto
    @paulfournierphoto Год назад +5

    Perfect itinerary. Glad I d like to hear your French Riviera itinerary next

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад

      I think I need to visit a couple more spots to put together the perfect itinerary 😉

  • @CaptCanuck4444
    @CaptCanuck4444 Год назад +4

    Provence in winter is highly underrated, especially on the coast. Lots of sunny days, and no crowds.

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад +2

      For me it’s too cold but it is nice to be able to walk around without the crowds!

    • @sabaidee5587
      @sabaidee5587 Год назад

      ​@SamFournier how is the weather in April? Still too cold? Thank you. 😊

    • @CaptCanuck4444
      @CaptCanuck4444 Год назад +1

      @@sabaidee5587 weather in April can be perfect. Also the flowers are out and it’s very green. Great time to visit.

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад +1

      @@sabaidee5587 Spring is a perfect time to visit. Here is a video I filmed in April ruclips.net/video/pdVoYYAD_Bw/видео.htmlsi=pmZE5n_bl8rZ9k0l

    • @sabaidee5587
      @sabaidee5587 Год назад

      Thank you so much, guys. 😊

  • @ezdivala
    @ezdivala 2 месяца назад

    I came across your channel just today, and now am completely in love. You are so utterly charming and knowledgeable. I am going to binge-watch all your content. Thank you so much for all your work. Can’t wait to see all of these villages in just a two months! Lucky me!

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  2 месяца назад

      Oh my goodness, thank you for this kind comment. I appreciate your feedback 🤍 I hope you enjoy your trip to Provence- how exciting!

  • @raulespinoza9987
    @raulespinoza9987 Год назад +2

    What a great schedule to follow when visiting the South of fFrance. Can't wait to visit Provence!! Thanks for the awesome info Sammy!!!!

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад +1

      Thanks Rocco, hope you’ll be able to come visit Provence one day 😉

    • @raulespinoza9987
      @raulespinoza9987 Год назад

      @@SamFournier Yes hopefully sooner than later. Trying to coordinate a european trip with my brother and best friend.

    • @Potencyfunction
      @Potencyfunction Год назад

      Where are you writting from Raul? Is very important question to know where u writing from

    • @raulespinoza9987
      @raulespinoza9987 Год назад

      From Los Angeles. I always travel to Spain so my next trip to europe i plan on visiting France. @@Potencyfunction

  • @Edpippo
    @Edpippo 9 месяцев назад +1

    Hello Sam, your video is fantastic, in September I'm spending a week in Aix en Provence and following your itinerary

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  9 месяцев назад

      I’m so happy to hear you’ll be here to enjoy Aix! It’s the perfect time to come🤩

  • @desireluna
    @desireluna Год назад +2

    Oh sam, I am back from my trip to Provence and I visited all the places you show in the video (except one...)! Thank you so much for this amazing video I really had a wonderful time and all the places were so beautiful :) thank you :)

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад

      Oh my gosh, this makes me so happy that the video was of good use for you and you were able to visit some of my favorite places. Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment and give me feedback🥰

  • @SaralaTerpstra
    @SaralaTerpstra Год назад +4

    This is so well done! Beautiful videography. I keep hearing about all these places in Provence, but you brought them to life. Now, I need to plan a Provence trip- and rent a car 😄 Thank you for all the tips!

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад

      Thank you! There are so many places I still need to discover, I hope you’re able to visit some of these places soon!

  • @evamariagraf1599
    @evamariagraf1599 Год назад +4

    Wonderful, this will be my week in Oktober, thanks so much !!

  • @rauls3712
    @rauls3712 8 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for this. I will put all of them on my list

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  8 месяцев назад

      My pleasure, enjoy your trip ☺️

  • @smiley9987
    @smiley9987 Год назад +3

    Bonjour Sam. What a nice video. France suits you really well. I hope you will make more videos about France,because the beauty of it its unique and so special. I know its nice travelling to other countries and experience different culture and all,but I really enjoy when you show us more of the country that you call home now. Can't wait to visit all those fantastic places in south of France myself. Quite curious about your progress with the language also. I'm sure you are getting better and better. Slowly but surely. You look lovely :) Will be looking forward to another video from the beautiful places around you there. Enjoy the sunshine and keep smiling 🙂🤍

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад +1

      I will definitely continue to create videos in France. I love showcasing the beauty here so thank you for watching. My French isn’t the best but like you said, I’ll get there eventually.☺️

  • @miryanfrank3247
    @miryanfrank3247 11 месяцев назад +1

    My sister and I are staying in Aix en Provenance in June and I appreciate you sharing this 😊

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  11 месяцев назад

      I hope you two have the best time ☀️

  • @mattiabaltieri8363
    @mattiabaltieri8363 Год назад +2

    Thanks for your help! The video is very helpful!

  • @joymae
    @joymae Год назад +1

    This is perfect thank you was looking for an itinerary and home base recommendation!

  • @snehakhanwalkar5025
    @snehakhanwalkar5025 6 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks for the valuable info! I’m in Aix and this helps

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  6 месяцев назад

      I’m so happy to hear this, thank you!

  • @DonnaM8732
    @DonnaM8732 Год назад +2

    Loved your videography and details, thank you! I will be staying in Marseille in October and will try to visit as many towns as you suggested. Can you tell me if the latter half of October will still have the markets and things like the Summer? Do things begin to close up at all? Thanks again Sam, great content. Seattle, WA

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад +1

      October is a great time as it won’t be crowded like summer. You’ll definitely still have the farmers markets, they happen year round 🙌🏽 Enjoy your stay

  • @christineskylark
    @christineskylark Год назад +1

    Thanks for this video. I have not visited Provence, but I will one day.

  • @samaguirre6461
    @samaguirre6461 Год назад +1

    One day soon I'll be able to spend a leisure week or two exploring with the besteat friend and guide !

  • @alejandrobastidas938
    @alejandrobastidas938 10 месяцев назад +1

    Wonderful video!! I just wanted to know if it’s possible to follow this itinerary without renting a car. Thanks!

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  10 месяцев назад +3

      Thank you. Unfortunately it would be difficult without a car. You may be able to do a guided bus tour to see some of the villages. You can get to Lourmarin and L’isle sur la sorgue by bus from Aix.

  • @ruslan2676
    @ruslan2676 Год назад +1

    If you can drive a bit I would recommend go to Avignon for a day trip as well, magnificent place!

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад

      I think I need to do a redo of Avignon

  • @momlifeinparis8914
    @momlifeinparis8914 Год назад +1

    So informative.. thank you so much..I hope I meeting you in this summer ❤️

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад +1

      Oh I’m so glad you took something out of it🤗 Thanks for watching, maybe we’ll cross paths.

  • @petermichael6438
    @petermichael6438 Месяц назад

    Hi Sam! Lovely video guide! My wife and I are planning a trip to France in late September for 13 nights. We’ve never been and I’m struggling to come up with the perfect itinerary. I loved your guide of Provence, wondering if you could share with me your thoughts on how we should spend our 12 days seeing a bigger part of the country. Paris is a must, after that, open to great ideas! Two basic plans - Plan A - 3 nights in four towns - Paris, Dijon, Lyon, Aix-en-Provence, or Plan B - 4 nights in Paris, Dijon, Lyon, fly out of Geneva. Or, do you have a better recommendation? Thanks for sharing your time and recommendations!! Peter

  • @martinalejskamastalirova178
    @martinalejskamastalirova178 9 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you! It is really helpfull! We are going for 11 nights to Provence in september 2024! 🥰😍🤩

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  9 месяцев назад

      Oh I’m so grateful that this was helpful 🫶🏽 enjoy your trip!

  • @michelesauret7779
    @michelesauret7779 Год назад +2

    La Provence et ses villages sont magnifiques

  • @ingridnh1
    @ingridnh1 Год назад +12

    What a wonderful itinerary! Thank you Sam!❤

  • @nathansager8378
    @nathansager8378 Год назад +1

    Thank you so much for very joyful informative video the most beautiful place in the world. We are coming April 1 to province and we’re staying at Saint Remiy we are staying for six days Do you have Reccomendation how we should tackle all these beautiful places we’re gonna rent a car for sure thank you suggestion for food. We are big time food lovers. Thanks a lot.

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  11 месяцев назад +2

      Hi Nathan! I hope you enjoy your time here. Sorry I am a little late to reply, having the rental car will be so helpful. I don’t eat out too often, I usually just get some fresh produce from the markets for picnics ☺️

  • @desireluna
    @desireluna Год назад +1

    This is perfect because I will visit Provence this summer :) thanks for all the tipps :)

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад +1

      Oh I’m so glad it’s helpful, enjoy your time in Provence.

  • @melissa_renee
    @melissa_renee Год назад +1

    So so good Sam!! I’m packing my bags now. I want to be there so badly! ❤

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад

      Hahaha, yes please come 🫶🏽

  • @LOULOU-br5so
    @LOULOU-br5so Год назад +1

    Belle vidéo. Belle prestation 😊👍🏿.

  • @johnny471
    @johnny471 Год назад +1

    You did a great job, very informative. Thank you.🌈

  • @margsangster8994
    @margsangster8994 10 месяцев назад +1

    Loving your video thanks Sam! I’m interested to know if all these lovely villages are seasonal- by that I mean, if I’m exploring Provence in late November, are certain villages going to be mostly shut down in the way of attractions, cafes, shops etc, as I like to travel at off peak times. Is there reasonable public transport linking these places, as I won’t have a car? I’m going to Aix this year when I’m in Marseille, so I’m very excited to see your town- it looks amazing! Cheers from Australia

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  10 месяцев назад +2

      Hi there! Unfortunately traveling by bus isn’t the easiest. You may be able to get to some places but it’s not practical. I wish I could answer this question about traveling in November but I’m not too sure, some may be but not all of them. I know Lourmarin in February is shut down. I would recommend reaching out to the tourism board of the villages to ask.

    • @margsangster8994
      @margsangster8994 10 месяцев назад

      @@SamFournier Okay, thanks

  • @jaron7966
    @jaron7966 Год назад +1

    Hi there, Great video. Where did you stay? Did you have a base and then drove to all these places? Trying to plan a trip now. Thanks!!

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад +3

      Hi! I live in Aix and I would recommend staying in Aix and using it at your home base and then driving to all the locations which are within 1h drive. Enjoy your trip!

  • @ceej3808
    @ceej3808 Год назад +1

    Nice content Sam! Can you also do Chateaux tour in Provence. Thanks in advance! 🫶🏻

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад

      Thank you! Great idea I’ll try to see when I can visit one!

  • @daviddean2082
    @daviddean2082 Год назад +1

    Great video. Here in aix now. Thanks

  • @driliagor
    @driliagor Год назад +1

    Thanks a lot! What to choose a a base to stay in Provence?

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  11 месяцев назад +1

      I think Aix en Provence is a great place

  • @joonkwun2272
    @joonkwun2272 Год назад +4

    Going on a family trip to Provence in about a month. Seen dozens of clips on RUclips and this one is the best as far as itineraries. Thank you!

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад

      Thank you so much, I hope you all enjoy your trip next month 🤗

  • @kb280
    @kb280 Год назад +1

    Sam, great video, thank you. Is it possible to do this travel in December or January and still enjoy the beauty, etc? Or is it too cold/rainy/etc.?

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад +1

      A lot of things are closed during that time as there are no tourists, days are shorter and for me it’s too cold 🥶 I think September and October are a great time as there aren’t as many tourists and the weather is perfect.

  • @kathleenwest1023
    @kathleenwest1023 4 месяца назад +1

    Very pleasant Merci….

  • @jeanmarcmollie5713
    @jeanmarcmollie5713 Год назад +1

    Hi from Lyon , thanks for your vidéo ✨🙏

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад

      Salut 👋🏽 Thank you for watching!

  • @vetotheena
    @vetotheena 3 месяца назад

    hi! thank you so much for this video. is driving throughout provence difficult?

  • @j.e.8286
    @j.e.8286 Год назад +1

    Wonderful video - thank you so much :)

  • @alandecorte2962
    @alandecorte2962 Год назад

    So many memories. More detail please.

  • @EmilieGibbs-l5w
    @EmilieGibbs-l5w 8 месяцев назад

    Great video. Can you recommend a nice village for a family reunion of 9 people to stay 9 days? Close to train? Good walking…bakeries..market etc…not too crowded in April or May? Thank you

  • @jesuslives7626
    @jesuslives7626 10 месяцев назад

    Merci beaucoup pour cette petite vidéo

  • @alomafoggo3239
    @alomafoggo3239 Год назад +1

    Lovely informative video😊

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад

      Thanks Aloma, hope you’re doing well.

  • @nattubea.6471
    @nattubea.6471 2 месяца назад

    Thanks for the video. I watched it many times as we plan to go to Provence area. It is very useful. I am wondering how we can travel from Aix to other villages that you recommended in the video. Is it worth renting a car?

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  2 месяца назад

      I’m so glad it’s helpful. I would definitely recommend renting a car as you can fit many villages in one day and will be able to explore more. Without a car you would have to depend on group tours or buses and there aren’t many buses that go to all the places I discussed.

    • @nattubea.6471
      @nattubea.6471 2 месяца назад

      @ thanks for the reply. I am also curious why Arles is not on the list in this Video?

  • @ArisPrima
    @ArisPrima Год назад +1

    very nice view my friend ❤❤❤

  • @ligiacoelho5082
    @ligiacoelho5082 Месяц назад

    Dear, your video is lovely!
    In Aix en Provence do you recommend a specific place to stay?

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Месяц назад

      Thank you! I’m so sorry that I don’t have any recommendations since I live here I’ve never stayed at any hotels in the area. I would recommend staying inside the city center.

  • @justynay.5024
    @justynay.5024 Год назад

    Moustiers Sainte-Marie is my favourite one !! :)

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад

      Yes, I need to go back to visit😍

  • @neshcastillo5949
    @neshcastillo5949 Год назад

    Hi Sam, can you recommend some walking tours in aix en Provence? I’m planning to visit with a friend for 3 days and wanting to make the most out of the trip! I’m from Melbourne Australia by the way and love your videos❤

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад

      Hi there! I haven't done a walking tour but if you visit the website Aix en Provence Tourism they have some available on there. I hope you have the best time visiting! Thanks for your support on the channel.

    • @miryanfrank3247
      @miryanfrank3247 11 месяцев назад

      Hi Sam, what do you recommend in terms of transportation to visit these places from Aix en Provence? If you rent a car is it easy to navigate? Would it be easier to hire a guide/tour or public transport? Thanks for your videos, I will be visiting in June. 😊

  • @TravelwithBobbyChannel
    @TravelwithBobbyChannel 3 месяца назад

    Such a beautifully crafted guide to Provence! The charm of these villages is truly captivating. It reminds me of a walking tour I recently shared on my channel: Travel Vlog French Village Dubai 🇦🇪 | Walking Tour Charm. While it’s not in France, this French-inspired village in Dubai offers a unique take on that enchanting ambiance. I’d love to hear what you think if you ever have a chance to check it out!

  • @elenaclark4511
    @elenaclark4511 Год назад

    My husband and I are planning to visit Provence coming from Paris in September. I loved these villages you show in this videos. My main concern is how to get from one place to another especially the small villages. I love antique shops and cafes .We are not planning to drive. Is Uber too expensive ? What do you suggest ?

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад +1

      Without renting a car it may be difficult to get to some of the villages. I know from Aix you can catch a bus to Lourmarin and L'isle sur la Sorgue. You also may want to check your local tourism office to see the group trips that may be available by bus.

  • @MaryBartnikowski
    @MaryBartnikowski 5 месяцев назад

    Beautiful video! Is Aix de Provence a better base than Remy?

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  5 месяцев назад +1

      Oooh, they are both great locations. I will say that Aix is a shorter commute to the Marseille airport!

    • @MaryBartnikowski
      @MaryBartnikowski 5 месяцев назад

      @@SamFournier thank you love your videos, new subscriber

  • @ChristinaCaudill
    @ChristinaCaudill Год назад

    Please cover Arles!! And the Arles Photo festival if you can 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  • @paulettenguyen971
    @paulettenguyen971 Год назад

    Thanks for the information!

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад

      You’re welcome, I hope you enjoy Provence 😂

  • @JoelScherNY
    @JoelScherNY Год назад

    Hi Sam. I am planning to come to Aix en Provence for June 2024 so your video is perfect. Can you recommend a good hotel with a large pool, internet and AC? This would be my base and I would visit villages you describes, bistros and eat the great french food. Do they speak English? I don’t know much French. UG! Look forward to your reply. Merci. Joel

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад +1

      So glad this video found you 🤗 I would recommend Aquabella, it’s a beautiful hotel they have a pool and speak English. I hope you have a lovely time in Provence.

  • @treebeard909
    @treebeard909 Месяц назад

    How do you get to the various villages? Bus? We're going to Aix in April!

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Месяц назад

      I would recommend renting a car. Buses don’t go to all of the villages and they don’t run quite often.

    • @treebeard909
      @treebeard909 Месяц назад

      @ Thanks! So cars don’t need to be booked far in advance?

  • @KimFarrar-h5d
    @KimFarrar-h5d Год назад

    Thankyou looks like some lovely places. I am checking out accommodation, I am a budget traveller and most of the places are outside my budget? any thoughts on cheaper accommodation and if you can get to these places by bus would be appreciated :)

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад +1

      I am sorry, I can't help with this since I live here I don't ever have to look for accomadation. It is much easier to drive as buses aren't running as often and don't go straight to all the places I recommended. So sorry, wish I had more of a helpful response.

  • @somarizvi48
    @somarizvi48 Год назад

    Hey, I am planning a trip in May 2024. I was wondering if we need a car to drive around? or is there convenient public transport to visit these towns?

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад

      I would highly recommend renting a car!

  • @LucasPurgato-t1z
    @LucasPurgato-t1z Месяц назад

    Thank you! How many days would you recommend?

  • @anna-kaisasuvanto
    @anna-kaisasuvanto Год назад

    Thank you so much! This will be super helpful when I come for a visit

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад +2

      So glad it’ll help you on your visit here. I honestly am not a huge fan of Marseille, it’s too busy for me. When I do visit I like going to Le Panier & Le Vieux Port.

    • @anna-kaisasuvanto
      @anna-kaisasuvanto Год назад

      @@SamFournier alright that explains it! I understand 😊 thank you for the tips 👌 and again this video was great 🤩

    • @CaptCanuck4444
      @CaptCanuck4444 Год назад +1

      I just came back from 3 weeks in Marseille and while i didn't fall in love with the city per se, it's a great base for day hiking the Calanques using cheap public transport, and lots of easy day trips too - to places like Aix-en-Provence and Cassis.
      As a home base though, I'd definitely choose Nice or Montpellier over Marseille - two places I also spent almost a month in winter. I just like the vibe of those places better than Marseille.

  • @mabelchiu661
    @mabelchiu661 Год назад

    Bonjour , if we are going now, is it safe to travel in Provence ? since the Riot in Marseille Nice Leon still continue? Afraid not save travel!

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад

      I live in Aix and we haven’t experienced any riots and I feel completely safe, it’s the bigger city’s like Marseille. I also went to a smaller village this week and everything was fine… just avoid the big city’s.

  • @minaguzman8402
    @minaguzman8402 6 месяцев назад

    What is the closest airport if flying from the US? Nice? What is your base for new year?

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  6 месяцев назад

      For Provence I would recommend Marseille Airport. If you are going to be exploring Nice, St Tropez, Menton I would fly into Nice.

    • @minaguzman8402
      @minaguzman8402 6 месяцев назад

      @@SamFournierthank you

  • @victorvw
    @victorvw 11 месяцев назад +1

    Nice video... but you did forget Arles....

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  11 месяцев назад +1

      I’ve actually never been to Arles before

  • @kcg1612
    @kcg1612 2 месяца назад +1

    I wish you would spell each of the stops you suggested

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  2 месяца назад +1

      @@kcg1612 look in the description of the video ☺️ it’s all there for you.

  • @sheilaackers2853
    @sheilaackers2853 Год назад

    Would love to visit this area but i dont drive are there any railway stations ?

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад +1

      The villages I mentioned don’t really have any train stations except Aix. There are some buses that can go to the villages but not all of them. You may be able to book trips with the local tourism though.

    • @sheilaackers2853
      @sheilaackers2853 Год назад

      @@SamFournier Thank you x

  • @kcg1612
    @kcg1612 2 месяца назад

    Got it

  • @Potencyfunction
    @Potencyfunction Год назад

    I didnt see yet the provence.

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад

      All of these places I mentioned are in Provence

    • @Potencyfunction
      @Potencyfunction Год назад

      Okay ...I am looking fwd to see it physichaly, I meant. You should tell more about your travel knowledge, reviews and recommend us what is good and what is not good, so we better dont try the bad things,non/qualitaty or non/smart deals@@SamFournier

  • @lanaofficiel4042
    @lanaofficiel4042 Год назад

    Hi Sam, I would love to live in the South of France. Can you please tell me, is it hard to find work in the medical field?? I am an American but I want to relocate to France, i just want to be able to work in the medical field. I am a Nurse Practitioner. Please advise, thanks.

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад

      Hi Iana👋🏽 I would recommend following Americans in France FB and do some searching on the FB group as their is a lot of resources there. I can’t answer your question as I’m unsure but I’m sure you can find some answers there. Best of luck to you.

    • @lanaofficiel4042
      @lanaofficiel4042 Год назад

      @@SamFournier Thanks Sam, for your reply.

  • @emuleck1477
    @emuleck1477 Год назад

  • @davewesolik9242
    @davewesolik9242 11 месяцев назад +18

    Thank you. One suggestion would be to use more video of the town and less of you. Maybe a talk over

    • @MaryBartnikowski
      @MaryBartnikowski 5 месяцев назад +3

      You had the perfect amount of speaking and town shots. As a fellow RUclipsr your video was fun and informative!

    • @kathianderson6485
      @kathianderson6485 2 месяца назад +1

      I was thinking the very same thing. Good and informative video, but not very interesting when watching you in your apartment. We want to see Provence! Thank you for your information.

  • @olgaolmo9787
    @olgaolmo9787 Год назад


  • @nellaab779
    @nellaab779 Год назад

    How did you get visa or permanent residence?

  • @norbertfontaine8524
    @norbertfontaine8524 Год назад

    You pronounce Cassis (silent s) like a local. 😀 The majority of the French ( including me ) say CassiS.

    • @SamFournier
      @SamFournier  Год назад

      Haha, I’m trying. My pronunciation isn’t good but I try 😂

    • @Potencyfunction
      @Potencyfunction Год назад

      I wonder who is that now writing.